The Whistleblowing Channel is a means used by RMD to facilitate the quick and confidential communication of irregularities that may involve breaches of regulations committed within the company’s activity. Communications can be made anonymously.
RMD makes this Channel available as part of the internal information system and is essential for compliance with the Code of Ethics and Conduct in general and internal regulations in particular and, therefore, is an active part of our continuous improvement as a company. The general principles of operation of the Channel are set out in the Policy approved by the RMD management body.
The RMD Internal Information System has been designed in accordance with the requirements of Organic Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory violations and the fight against corruption, which protects all those individuals who, through the Channel available here or any other channel referred to in the aforementioned law, report the commission of serious or very serious administrative violations, as well as criminal conduct, as follows from article 2 of the aforementioned law.
Communications submitted through the Channel must deal with acts or conduct, present or past, related to the areas of application of the Code of Ethics.
In particular, the Channel offered by RMD is available to directors, employees, interns, Temporary Employment Agency (ETT) staff, agents, mediators, collaborators, prescribers, suppliers and people who work for or under their supervision, shareholders, former employees (employment relationship terminated), and job candidates.
This Channel is not the appropriate channel for customer complaints.
The system is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, from any device and in various languages, through the following access channels:
Postal: Carretera de La Bañeza Km. 7,5CP: 24251 Ardoncino, León (Spain)
At the request of the interested party, complaints can also be submitted through a face-to-face meeting, by directing the request through one of the communication channels mentioned above.
Without prejudice to the detailed access routes, the interested party may contact the Independent Authority for the Protection of Informants.
The RMD Whistleblower Channel has a series of principles of action and guarantees:
Authority and Independence
The management of the company’s Whistleblower Channel corresponds to the Regulatory Compliance Control Body.
Partial outsourcing of management
In order to reinforce the independence, objectivity and respect for the guarantees offered by the Whistleblower Channel, the process of managing complaints is partially outsourced to an external expert, which reinforces the objectivity and proper treatment of all complaints.
Complaints are resolved using a rigorous, transparent and objective procedure, safeguarding in all cases the confidentiality of the interested parties.
The duty of confidentiality is configured as a guiding principle that guides RMD’s actions in the management of complaints.
Access to information is restricted to persons with management authority according to the functions assigned to them, and it is expressly prohibited to disclose any type of information about the complaints.
Anonymity and non-traceability
Complaints can be either nominative, that is, with identification of the complainant, or anonymous.
At RMD we maintain a firm commitment to respecting anonymity when this is the option chosen by the complainant.
The tracking and traceability of anonymous complaints is prohibited. Violation of this requirement will lead to the adoption of the corresponding disciplinary measures.
Confidentiality of the complainant’s identity
In the case of nominative complaints, the identity of the complainant is not revealed, under any circumstances, to the accused, and is only revealed to the other Areas involved in the management when this information is essential to carry out the investigation of the facts/conduct. The disclosure of the whistleblower’s identity requires, in any case, prior consent of the whistleblower.
The disclosure of the whistleblower’s identity outside the permitted assumption or the carrying out of investigations aimed at knowing data of complaints filed, regardless of the position and functions, will entail the imposition of appropriate disciplinary measures, if applicable.
Prohibition of retaliation and protection of the whistleblower
At RMD we reject and do not tolerate any type of retaliation, in any form, against people who file a complaint, as well as against those who participate or help in the investigation of, provided that they have acted in good faith and have not participated in the reported act.
To ensure compliance with this principle, the measures necessary to guarantee the protection of the whistleblower will be adopted. In the event that circumstances arise that so advise, mitigating measures will be adopted to isolate and/or transfer the whistleblower from his or her workplace.
Rights of the accused and of the persons affected
The accused and the persons who may be affected by an internal investigation have the right to be informed of the complaint made against them as soon as the appropriate checks have been made and the file has been admitted for processing.
If you wish to obtain more information about the RMD Whistleblower Channel, you can consult the Information Management Procedure.